How to clean bathtubs to make bathing more hygienic?

Jak czyścić wanny, by kąpiel była bardziej higieniczna?

A fragrant, hot bath in the tub is a sure-fire way to relax and unwind after a hard day. What's more, it's not a delicacy reserved only for the few. The most important thing, however, is to take proper care of the tub, not only to keep it looking beautiful for as long as possible, but also to get rid of bacteria. We'll tell you how to clean the tub with simple home remedies, regardless of the material it's made of.

Before we tell you how to take care of your bathtub, it is worth mentioning how the Qualtec composite differs from the acrylic used to make bathtubs. freestanding bathtubs . This information will be especially useful for all those who are still wondering which bathtub to choose? But let's get to the point.

Freestanding bathtub made of conglomerate or acrylic?

When buying a bathtub for the bathroom, we have a choice of many different models made of different materials, of which two are the most popular. One is composite, the other is acrylic. The first of them, Qualtec, is a high-quality sanitary composite made of polyester resins. Additionally, the structural component of the composite is fiberglass, which gives the material high tensile strength, and the polymer surface makes the bathtub perfectly smooth. Another advantage of the Qualtec composite is its resistance to mechanical damage and ease of keeping it clean.

Acrylic bathtubs are definitely cheaper than those made of Qualtec composite. They are a product that is considered to be much more hygienic than standard enameled bathtubs, which are not resistant to scrubbing. However, remember that acrylic has antibacterial properties, because it has silver ions in its structure that inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Even though both acrylic and Qualtec composite bathtubs have antibacterial properties, they still require maintenance.

How to clean a bathtub?

If we want to clean the bathtub, we should remember not to use products containing ammonia, acetone or alcohol for everyday care. First of all, regularity is important. It is best to immediately remove any residue left on the bathtub after each bath. When washing, we should skip products with an abrasive structure, i.e. traditional milks and scouring powders. The same applies to sharp washcloths.

For regular maintenance, it is enough to wipe the fittings with a delicate cloth soaked in soap or dishwashing liquid . If we are sure that hard water prevails in our area, it is also worth drying the bathtub to avoid scale deposits on its surface. Another effective agent used for cleaning bathroom fittings is also water with vinegar and water with lemon juice.

Cleaning a freestanding bathtub is simple, especially if you take care of it systematically. In case of deep dirt and scratches, you can use specialist products, including repair kits. Remember, however, to read the instructions included with them carefully before using them.

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