Modern freestanding bathtubs differ in many ways. There are large and small, oval or square bathtubs, retro-style bathtubs with or without legs. There are also bathtubs for seniors on the market, which are also worth mentioning.
Bathtubs for Seniors: A Necessity or an Unnecessary Whim?
Senior bathtubs are an ideal solution for people who have trouble using a traditional bathtub on their own. They are also worth investing in if you have trouble walking. Freestanding bathtubs for the elderly are usually low, spacious and suitably profiled to minimize the risk of falling. At the same time, they allow easy access to both the person receiving assistance and the one providing it.
Modern bathtubs for seniors
For freestanding bathtubs, you can consider installing steps with handrails or a ladder hanging from the ceiling . This solution will provide security and make it much easier for an elderly person to overcome the height.
If a person's health condition does not allow them to sit in the bathtub, various types of chairs can be used that are placed on the bathtub.
An important feature of the bathroom in which we place a freestanding bathtub for the elderly is the need to securely fasten all the equipment elements so that they constitute natural support points when moving. Additionally, they cannot have any sharp edges or corners that could cut or catch on clothing.
Features of bathtubs for seniors
When buying freestanding bathtub for seniors it is worth paying attention to its advantages. There are models available on the market that have:
- Opening door,
- Low height,
- Anti-slip surface of the seat and bottom of the bathtub,
- Ergonomic form,
- Durability of materials.
A freestanding bathtub for seniors should, above all, be safe.