Fans of long relaxation in warm water cannot imagine a bathroom without a bathtub. No wonder, because a freestanding bathtub has always been associated with a home spa. However, when choosing one, we encounter dilemmas: acrylic or steel bathtub, or maybe a cast iron bathtub? In this article, we will look at the first ones, most often purchased by customers.
Acrylic bathtubs
Acrylic is a plastic that can be easily shaped, so bathtubs made of this material can take on the most inventive shapes. For this reason, acrylic bathtubs gained popularity in the 1990s, revolutionizing the appearance of the bathroom. However, over time they proved that plasticity is only one of their main advantages.
Properties of acrylic bathtubs
Acrylic bathtubs have a number of features that distinguish them from others made of cast iron or steel. These include: durability, resistance to discolouration, lightness, ease of installation and repair, and the possibility of installing a hydromassage or chromotherapy system. Thus, acrylic bathtubs are a product that will not only serve us for many long years, but will also fit perfectly into the decor of our bathroom.
Not all bathtubs are the same
Before buying a bathtub, we should pay attention to the type of board it was made of. They can differ in thickness, which will affect its durability. However, thicker does not always mean better. It is worth paying attention to whether the manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs meets the PN-EN14516+A1:2010 standard, which requires the contractor to make it from acrylic board with a minimum thickness of 2.5 mm.
An acrylic bathtub made of a thicker board also has a thicker abrasive layer, which makes it easier to remove scratches and damage. Some models are additionally reinforced with a mixture of polyester resin and glass fiber. High-quality acrylic sheet is also more resistant to UV radiation, which means that it will not change its color in contact with sunlight.
Oval or corner bathtub ?
The shape of the acrylic bathtub should match the bathroom. Its size is also important. First of all, we should carefully measure the recess in which we want to carry out acrylic bathtub installation . The length and width of both the bathtub and the space are essential dimensions that you need to know.
When choosing the shape of a bathtub, we have an almost unlimited choice: oval, rectangular, corner bathtubs are just some of the models we can buy. Their size and shape, however, will largely depend on the bathroom in which it will be located. Freestanding bathtub It is usually the central place in the bathroom, so it must be properly integrated into its decor.
Its casing is also of great importance. If we do not plan to have our freestanding bathtub covered, for example, with tiles, it is worth considering buying a different casing.
Why choose acrylic bathtubs?
We mentioned the advantages of bathtubs at the beginning of this article. Their users unanimously state that they are warm to the touch, smooth, and easy to clean. Freestanding acrylic bathtubs are exceptionally hygienic. They are resistant to discoloration caused by rust or limescale from water. They also have antibacterial properties. They maintain water temperature better than steel tubs, but worse than cast iron tubs. They are also soundproof, which means that when pouring water, there is no noise, and all this at an exceptionally good price.